Available theses


Theses offered in robotics (Prof. Rocco, Prof. Zanchettin)

The proposals of the theses are available in the WeBeep channel of the courses Control of industrial robots and Industrial automation and robotics.


Courses currently offered

Laurea in Ingegneria Aerospaziale

083401 - Fondamenti di automatica (per aerospaziali)

Laurea in Ingegneria dell'Automazione

085754 - Fondamenti di robotica

MSc in Automation and Control Engineering

MSc in Computer Science and Engineering

MSc in Electronics Engineering

MSc in Engineering Physics


090914 - Control of industrial robots


052368 - Control of industrial and mobile robots

MSc in Management Engineering

056950 - Industrial automation and robotics













Courses DM 207 (no longer offered)

Laurea Magistrale in Ing. Meccanica:

091092 - Controlli automatici A

091136 - Controlli automatici B

MSc in Management Engineering

054207 - Industrial automation, communication and data management








Courses DM 509 (no longer offered)

Laurea in Ing. Aerospaziale:

061468 - Automatica

070527 - Controlli Automatici

Laurea Specialistica in Ing. dell'Automazione:

077946 - Controllo del moto e robotica industriale

Laurea Specialistica in Ing. Meccanica:

075798 - Controlli automatici per la meccatronica

Laurea Specialistica in Ing. Informatica:

070701 - Controllo dei robot








Courses before DM 509 (no longer offered)

Laurea in Ing. Aerospaziale:

000836 - Fondamenti di Automatica

Laurea in Ing. Informatica:

AG0259 - Robotica industriale (1/2 annualita')